2018: A year in review

Wow, that was quick! I can’t believe how fast time has absolutely flown.

This time of year almost always puts me in a sentimental, reflective mood. There’s just something about closing a chapter and starting a new one that attracts me to that state of mind. I think of all the people that have impacted me, the lives that have touched mine, the friends I’ve made, the people I’ve chosen to leave behind and the people I’ve chosen to love.

This year has challenged me in ways I don’t think I’ve ever been challenged before. I truly pushed myself harder than ever before and I feel like I have accomplished so much, both professionally and personally. I thought last year was hard, and it was; I went through some huge changes in my life and I closed 2017 stronger, better and smarter for it. Yet this year, though not as dramatic, truly did open my eyes to show me what I want and don’t want in my life.

Some major highlights from the year: got an article published on Thought Catalog, travelled to a few new countries, voted in a new government (yay), bought a car (I know, I’m shook too), got a raise (thank god), started exercising for fun (yes, let’s not have a coronary), made some new friends, fell in love, fell out of love, and all in all, learned a ton.

2018 taught me a lot of things.

I’ve learned to be picky – to not settle for less than what I deserve. I’ve learned to put people in my life to a higher standard; to not accept their negative/bad behavior, to call them out when they’re wrong; to choose to grow when they choose not to. I’ve learned that it’s okay to outgrow people when your values no longer align; that I’m allowed to leave them behind. I can only hope I continue to have the strength to do so when it counts in the years to come.

This year also taught me to be more assertive – to work hard and ask for what I want. My work life this year is a prime example of that. I cannot imagine what it would have been like if I hadn’t put my best foot forward and asked for a chance when it wasn’t there. I don’t think I’d be making the impact I’m making today. If I didn’t ask for what I wanted, I wouldn’t have learned more in the last 3 months than I did in the last year. I guess you truly don’t get what you don’t ask for.

More importantly, 2018 taught me about love. It brought me closer to people I didn’t expect to be close to. It taught me to be raw, and real, and completely open with some people in my life. It taught me to love freely and to allow myself to be loved in return. Which honestly is a terrifying experience for someone who has major trust issues. Yet, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had in a while.

Growing up, I’d felt that in order to be an adult, or a successful adult at least, you’d have to do things alone – that you couldn’t depend on people; that you couldn’t count on anyone for help. This year, I’ve learned that I don’t have to do everything on my own. I’ve learned to accept that my success is not dependent on my independence from the world; that it was okay to lean on the people that care about me when I need them. More than that, I’ve learned to let people help me, to allow people to love me and let them in; to accept the care they give me – to not doubt that I deserve it.

So this year, I’m taking what I’ve learned and I’m going to push myself further. I’m going to keep growing and loving myself. I will keep calling out the bad guys and sticking up for what is right. I’m going to keep learning new things. I’m definitely going to keep traveling. And most of all, I’m going to do my best to stick to my resolution of writing more. I can only hope that will translate to more blog posts soon!

So here’s to a fabulous 2018 – and cheers to an even better 2019!

Sending you love and light all day everyday,
LV ❤